Results from the 2022 Colbrese Cup Memorial Red Ball Golf Scramble played August 13th at Sunnyside Country Club in Glasgow. 21 teams participated in the 18 hole tournament.
1st place gross $1800-Team (Joel Smith, Todd Truscott, Jake Hughes, Scott markle0
1st place net $1800-Team (Pete Helland, Chris Helland, Wayne Mickelson, Sam Schultz)
2nd place net $1200-Team (Jed Kirkland, Billy Alstead, Kerry Money, Kevin Hohlen)
3rd place net $800 -Team (Nate Hopstad, Taylor Hopstad, Tyler Fox, Josh Sillerud)
Bottom Bouncers $200 (Zack Garsjo, Rocky Zimdars, Dennis Zimdars, Ron Wold)
Raffle Winners:
Yetti Backpack-Arleen Archambeault
Yetti Hopper-Andy Newton
Stand Up Paddle Board-Taylor Hopstad
2 Round trip Cape Air Tickets-Andy Newton
Robyn’s Nest Basket-Carlyle Garsjo
50/50 Winner: $480 Heather Fox
½ Donated to VC Pool Fund In Honor of Terry Colbrese
Original link can be found here.