
Northeast Montana News

Saturday, February 22, 2025

Amount of taxpayer-funded subsidies plummet in cities associated with Richland County in 2021

Webp haytractor

Adobe Stock

Adobe Stock

Farms throughout cities in Richland County received $5 million less in subsidies in 2021 from the U.S. Department of Agriculture compared to the year before.

In 2021, 403 farmers in cities within Richland County received a total of $8.2 million in 950 farm subsidies, a 37.7% decrease compared to 2020, when the total was $13.2 million in 1,077 farm subsidies.

Though farm subsidies support agriculture in the U.S., pumping $7 trillion into the economy, they are not without controversy.

The American Action Forum discovered that the most highly subsidized crops - corn, soy, wheat, and rice - are often consumed in highly processed ways, which leads to unhealthy eating habits and obesity, while the fruits and vegetables needed for a healthy diet are rarely subsidized.

"We are consuming more calories, fats, sodium, and sugars, and not enough beneficial nutrients and vitamins," Tara O'Neill Hayes wrote. "It is critical that both policymakers and the American public understand the influence that federal agricultural subsidies have on our food supply and diet and, in turn, our nutrition and health."

Farm subsidies have also been criticized for assisting the highest-earning agricultural businesses, not local farmers on their family farms who are barely getting by.

Kimberly Amadeo of The Balance said farmer subsidies "help high-income corporations, not poor rural farmers. Most of the money goes toward large agribusinesses."

The U.S. has provided farm subsidies since the Great Depression to assist farmers who weather price fluctuations and disasters, to help maintain consistent farming across the country.

Farmers and Their Subsidies in Cities Associated with Richland County, Year Over Year
FarmerTotal Received in 2020Total Received in 2021% Difference
Big SKY Honey, Inc.$904,235$260,845-71.2%
V S, Inc.$552,312$251,510-54.5%
Tim Karst$81,480$212,099160.3%
Norby, Inc.$121,844$188,27354.5%
Ted Karst$46,572$186,241299.9%
Hardy Agent, Inc.$88,892$184,011107%
Kittleson Family Part LP$399,516$177,448-55.6%
Jeremiah M. Rhines$186,497$170,249-8.7%
Tveit Land and Cattle Company$197,575$165,097-16.4%
4 B Farms, Inc.$55,224$163,876196.7%
Danielson Farms, Inc.$66,442$143,497116%
Kjos Farm & Ranch, LLC$104,453$138,82832.9%
Randy A. Skov$80,964$131,25062.1%
Loren Young, Inc.$153,233$128,997-15.8%
TNT Farms$10,847$123,9111,042.4%
Chad Lee Denowh$0$123,599--
Timothy Steven Dwyer$152,880$103,118-32.5%
Tori Joann Dwyer$152,813$103,082-32.5%
JLJ Farms$60,268$99,88665.7%
Ryan Obergfell$67,138$91,85836.8%
Gartner-Denowh Angus Ranch$138,623$91,830-33.8%
Justin Karst$53,530$91,30770.6%
Kopp Farms, Inc.$76,722$90,71618.2%
Country Lane Farms, Inc.$40,512$88,162117.6%
Texas-Red Enterprises, Inc.$23,727$77,706227.5%
Mcginnis Ranch, Inc.$156,056$76,473-51%
Dynneson Ranch, Inc.$194,224$74,882-61.4%
John Rhines$79,501$74,426-6.4%
Rambur Charolais, Ltd.$143,043$71,938-49.7%
Klose Farms, Inc.$59,054$69,59117.8%
David Reidle$18,769$68,710266.1%
4-J Cattle, Inc.$125,669$62,996-49.9%
Patrick J. Falck$136,206$62,682-54%
James D. Goss$64,068$60,959-4.9%
Payette Farms, Inc.$23,533$60,439156.8%
Lone Butte Ranch, Inc.$108,912$59,251-45.6%
Kenneth A. Iversen$46,946$56,51020.4%
4-S Farm, Inc.$70,505$56,227-20.3%
Philip Elroy Hurley$29,387$55,59789.2%
Prewitt Land and Livestock, LLC$259,006$54,392-79%
6 J Farms, Inc.$15,171$53,931255.5%
Kilen Farms$36,357$53,87548.2%
Prewitt & Company, LLC$969,802$53,584-94.5%
Blue Carriage Farm, Inc.$32,876$52,66960.2%
Joe Leland$49,777$51,5543.6%
Badland Partners, LLLP$63,250$50,857-19.6%
Henning Skov$23,929$48,985104.7%
Robert Albin$45,365$47,5774.9%
J-D Farms$39,627$46,93218.4%
H & H Agent Production, LLP$18,231$45,983152.2%
R B Farms, Inc.$48,641$45,644-6.2%
James W. Hunter$47,108$45,497-3.4%
David L. Crighton$67,645$45,398-32.9%
HD Farms, Inc.$22,479$45,152100.9%
Darrel Minow$110,540$44,946-59.3%
Reidle Farms, Inc.$13,774$44,527223.3%
DC Farms, Inc.$31,433$42,56735.4%
T & J Farms, Inc.$31,432$42,56735.4%
Harvey Asbeck$42,456$42,244-0.5%
B N' T Farms, Inc.$0$41,134--
Stockman Bank$576,853$40,965-92.9%
Broken C Ranch, LLC$69,516$40,266-42.1%
Marlo Salsbury$48,825$40,148-17.8%
4C Sons, Inc.$24,941$39,73559.3%
J Harry Johnson Limited Partnership$0$38,635--
3G Johnson Farm$20,663$37,78382.9%
Double K Enterprises, Inc.$13,088$37,631187.5%
Rodney L. Hurley$7,886$37,616377%
Everett Johnson$40,489$36,847-9%
Russell Dige$13,088$36,342177.7%
Ryan P. Madison$39,932$36,094-9.6%
David S. Hill$32,287$35,71910.6%
Travis Rindahl$33,466$35,2355.3%
Brian D. Lewis$62,714$35,035-44.1%
David a Balducke JR$73,660$34,900-52.6%
James R. Vitt$84,981$33,695-60.3%
Anvik Farms, Inc.$40,007$33,239-16.9%
R & R Operating, LLC$12,307$33,234170%
Pleasant Valley, Inc.$39,148$32,811-16.2%
Torben H Erikstrup$15,024$32,735117.9%
John Asbeck$38,560$32,506-15.7%
Daniels Family Limited Partnership$0$32,432--
Lunderby Livestock$190,266$32,094-83.1%
Kenneth L. Arneson$40,028$29,509-26.3%
Leland Red Angus Ranch$109,137$29,470-73%
Cole Germann$36,236$28,504-21.3%
Beau Thomas Franzen$131,672$27,337-79.2%
Patrick Asbeck$41,259$26,642-35.4%
Leland Brothers Jv$78,624$26,476-66.3%
Candee Angus Farm, Inc.$27,000$26,341-2.4%
Andersen Farms, LLC$11,941$26,257119.9%
Ronald J. Crighton$62,619$26,151-58.2%
Hardy Investments LP$9,651$25,969169.1%
Jeffrey W. Nagle$40,532$25,763-36.4%
Stickville Revocable Trust$39,285$25,563-34.9%
Willie Panasuk Living Trust$42,189$25,438-39.7%
Todd Dale Cayko$13,952$24,87578.3%
Jamie R. Whiteman$4,481$23,191417.5%
Green Acres Sod Farm, LLC$1,021$22,8732,140.3%
Ronald F. Whited$49,431$22,815-53.8%
John R. Mercer$6,737$22,740237.5%
Caleb James Kelly$47,628$22,734-52.3%
Steffan Farms, Inc.$28,485$21,919-23.1%
Kirk Miller$29,100$21,832-25%
Steven A. Vitt$38,971$21,754-44.2%
Edward Skaar$24,912$21,394-14.1%
Brian J. Rasmussen$21,458$19,978-6.9%
Bobby J. Finnicum$26,442$19,769-25.2%
Colin Gartner$25,072$19,645-21.6%
Douglas Danielson$24,092$19,305-19.9%
Michael Fisher$44,563$17,954-59.7%
Katherine M Bidegaray$25,169$17,924-28.8%
David L. Hatter$21,555$17,917-16.9%
Joy M. Buxbaum$31,554$17,700-43.9%
Daryl W. Norgaard$19,593$17,245-12%
River Ranch, Inc.$35,499$17,232-51.5%
N C Cattle Company, Inc.$18,392$17,109-7%
Leonard Ehret$16,463$16,7161.5%
Catherine A. Falck$0$16,142--
Schieber Ranch, LLC$38,720$15,383-60.3%
Gary G. Tescher$49,546$14,763-70.2%
James S. Lewis$47,293$14,747-68.8%
Ethan Chamberlain$1,871$14,409670.1%
Mcmillen Ranch, Inc.$71,038$14,306-79.9%
Dennis Trudell$19,754$14,184-28.2%
Edward J. Shannon$23,212$13,907-40.1%
Fresh Hopped Farm, LLC$9,770$13,44937.7%
Joe G Steinbeisser & Sons$43,749$13,433-69.3%
Kerry A. Rasmussen$20,110$13,287-33.9%
Chad Albin$36,230$13,106-63.8%
David G. Linde$21,384$13,027-39.1%
Timothy R. Franzen$31,592$13,013-58.8%
Diane Savage$12,943$12,9430%
Harry J. Stevenson$32,447$12,942-60.1%
Bellridge Farms, Inc.$13,852$12,777-7.8%
J K Petersen, Inc.$13,928$12,638-9.3%
Rodger Christiansen$9,581$12,50530.5%
Daniel W. Goss$9,742$12,49228.2%
Crane Creek Ranch, Inc.$0$12,484--
Merle Rasmussen$10,669$12,44716.7%
The Bud Bouchard Rev Trust - Urgel Bud Bouchard$0$12,270--
Scott Albin$31,092$12,258-60.6%
Mark Voll$46,376$12,113-73.9%
Casey Lee Palmer$0$11,991--
T Productions, Inc.$45,888$11,940-74%
Ryan J. Forbes$65,453$11,380-82.6%
John Dynneson$10,501$11,2256.9%
Dale Vitt$66,802$11,071-83.4%
Stanley Rosaaen$9,755$10,87511.5%
Ian James Pennington$41,572$10,868-73.9%
Matthew Nevins$3,072$10,027226.4%
Charles F. Nevins$3,105$9,762214.4%
Rodney W. Buxbaum$30,721$9,718-68.4%
Jason Wagner$8,498$9,55112.4%
Oscar K Indergard$37,237$9,515-74.4%
Jacob R. Damm$4,562$9,179101.2%
Chantz Prewitt$39,897$9,127-77.1%
Patrick Hatter$9,486$9,008-5%
Emmett Johnson$0$8,996--
Taylor Dwyer$12,864$8,914-30.7%
Teddi J. Dwyer$12,864$8,914-30.7%
Tessa M. Dwyer$12,864$8,914-30.7%
Tianna Dwyer$12,864$8,914-30.7%
Jeff Klempel$6,305$8,90941.3%
Daniel L. Young$34,911$8,847-74.7%
Henry ELM Estate Trust$8,505$8,5050%
Duane Ullman$26,672$8,304-68.9%
Matt Sondeno$29,392$8,086-72.5%
Daniel F. Scheetz$18,099$7,992-55.8%
George A. Watts$12,832$7,866-38.7%
Jonathan Castro$5,994$7,46924.6%
Laura Castro$5,994$7,46924.6%
4-J Ranch, Inc.$7,242$7,3821.9%
Curtis Dale Andersen$5,255$7,37440.3%
Timothy D. Larson$10,499$7,329-30.2%
Harriet K. Stone$7,324$7,3240%
Chris C. Larson$3,758$7,17490.9%
Albert Groskinsky$8,495$7,041-17.1%
Dennis Latka$7,711$7,018-9%
Larry Simonsen$8,443$7,011-17%
Logan Michael Kjos$5,253$7,01033.4%
Richard Hurley$7,683$6,818-11.3%
Loren H. Young Jr.$7,505$6,765-9.9%
M-K Iversen, Inc.$34,635$6,525-81.2%
Scott W. Pippert$37,445$6,508-82.6%
Toby Panasuk$4,323$6,25044.6%
Joann M. Obergfell$11,186$6,143-45.1%
RC Cattle Trucking, LLC$116,038$6,048-94.8%
Glenn Skov$33,588$6,046-82%
William J. Voss$6,605$5,984-9.4%
Montana Big SKY, LLC$27,131$5,788-78.7%
John W. Nagle$31,500$5,773-81.7%
Bradley M Anvik$2,872$5,73299.6%
E Lazy S, Inc.$7,951$5,694-28.4%
Philip Johnson$8,296$5,692-31.4%
Park O Rice$9,908$5,673-42.7%
Curtis L. Anderson$5,477$5,380-1.8%
Michael Obergfell$10,297$5,082-50.6%
John Kagney Petersen$21,685$4,953-77.2%
Eugene Sondeno$3,960$4,94524.9%
Estate of Rocky Norby$2,981$4,93665.6%
Lyle S. Sponheim$4,271$4,88614.4%
Carol Breuer$0$4,800--
Elroy Kittleson$5,484$4,793-12.6%
Florence V. Johnson$5,938$4,749-20%
Paul Doug Obergfell Jr.$9,153$4,690-48.8%
Ellen Rasmussen$0$4,623--
Terry A. Damm$4,010$4,53113%
William J. Henderson$8,847$4,510-49%
Ralph W. Allard$6,119$4,496-26.5%
KJBK Kallevig Family LP$4,827$4,398-8.9%
Henry W. Madison Jr.$17,460$4,379-74.9%
Joslin Farms, Inc.$4,796$4,372-8.8%
Arline Pust Unruh the Restated Pust Family Trust$0$4,369--
Delphine Farms, Inc.$5,584$4,228-24.3%
Jarvis Klempel$10,224$4,164-59.3%
Orion A. Sundheim$3,041$4,05533.3%
Nevins Farms, Inc.$6,254$3,877-38%
Jsba, Inc.$1,537$3,643137%
Greg Pennington$2,709$3,61233.3%
Michael Iversen$5,356$3,465-35.3%
Franz Ranch Trust$15,188$3,406-77.6%
Craig L Johnson Land, LLC$4,421$3,308-25.2%
James H. Iversen$3,829$3,306-13.7%
Laurel Arndt$2,397$3,29037.3%
Justin Bieber$1,653$3,23995.9%
Timothy K. Leland$3,545$3,210-9.4%
Franz Farms, Inc.$5,212$3,171-39.2%
Cody James Vitt$13,478$3,149-76.6%
Tod Shane Gorder$2,720$3,10514.2%
Eddie Joslin$19,921$3,100-84.4%
GBRW Farms$0$3,076--
Dale Hurley$3,529$2,992-15.2%
Darren Darby$2,205$2,94033.3%
Steven Reitz$0$2,927--
Lisa Ann Gorder$2,955$2,908-1.6%
Buxbaum Family Trust$1,214$2,906139.4%
Randy Lee Vandenbos$9,658$2,700-72%
Linda Joslin$0$2,623--
Ronald Cy Crighton$6,402$2,352-63.3%
Sidney Oil Company$2,427$2,338-3.7%
Ramona McGregor$2,221$2,2210%
Richard D. Obergfell$4,711$2,221-52.9%
Charles Robert Flynn$2,339$2,189-6.4%
Richard Albin$6,665$2,157-67.6%
Arlon W Franz$0$2,084--
Dale Iversen, Inc.$27,483$2,069-92.5%
Dustin Cymbaluk$15,550$2,044-86.9%
Joel L Cvancara$9,746$2,040-79.1%
Mike A. Degn$2,004$1,986-0.9%
William H. Lewis$2,624$1,925-26.6%
Violet R. Coon$5,590$1,917-65.7%
Gerald W. Rau$10,434$1,886-81.9%
Nicole Lee Vandenbos$0$1,845--
Tony R. Lee$0$1,839--
Rowdie J Prewitt$13,722$1,828-86.7%
Nancy Baue$29,605$1,812-93.9%
Clint W. Swiger$0$1,797--
Reitz Farms, Inc.$1,985$1,793-9.7%
Richard D. Propp$2,740$1,783-34.9%
Keith Dynneson$2,841$1,751-38.4%
Paks, LLP$3,653$1,720-52.9%
Richard Sult$10,499$1,713-83.7%
Tyrel Prewitt$12,159$1,676-86.2%
Jeff Bouchard$7,942$1,672-78.9%
William D. Sorteberg$1,613$1,6633.1%
Iversen Brothers, Inc.$1,742$1,647-5.5%
William Steinbeisser$1,930$1,632-15.4%
William van Hook Jr.$0$1,616--
Ardehl a Leland$1,771$1,613-8.9%
Steve Joslin$1,815$1,611-11.2%
Kenneth Kittleson$6,388$1,575-75.3%
Anton J. Barone$1,174$1,56633.4%
Hugo Asbeck Jr.$6,063$1,467-75.8%
Steve O. Larson$1,706$1,446-15.2%
Shawn Schipman$0$1,414--
Ruth E. Iversen$1,057$1,41033.4%
P & Q Farm Corporation$1,734$1,401-19.2%
Gary D. Schieber$2,827$1,382-51.1%
Eugene Fisher$19,434$1,381-92.9%
Gonzalo Castro$0$1,375--
Erich Pust, Inc.$2,792$1,365-51.1%
Dillon R Lunderby$145,018$1,346-99.1%
Aaron D. Franz$0$1,315--
Craig Lee Johnson$2,657$1,300-51.1%
Dale E. Iversen$1,071$1,27419%
Mark Whitney$4,906$1,258-74.4%
Wade McMillen$6,171$1,247-79.8%
Greg Breuer$5,852$1,236-78.9%
Alice J. Rasmussen$3,300$1,233-62.6%
Bronc S Pippert$6,083$1,230-79.8%
Drew D. Scheetz$7,196$1,229-82.9%
Linda Simonsen$1,320$1,213-8.1%
Chase Prewitt$13,340$1,198-91%
Margaret Fisher$1,303$1,189-8.7%
John Gable$1,394$1,167-16.3%
Brien J. Panasuk$1,440$1,160-19.4%
Brady Bouchard$5,346$1,156-78.4%
Marissa Topp$928$1,14923.8%
Nancy J. Hedegaard$1,243$1,134-8.8%
Harlow H. Bieber$2,636$1,129-57.2%
Hutter Farm$1,253$1,117-10.9%
Four Mile Farms$44$1,1102,422.7%
Kenneth Satra$1,401$1,092-22.1%
Nancy Simonsen$797$1,06333.4%
Jason Papineau$4,488$1,028-77.1%
Lee Candee$8,520$1,025-88%
James Satra$1,288$1,021-20.7%
Tyler D. Larson$4,947$998-79.8%
Vicki Vaira$1,773$977-44.9%
Lynn Lokken$1,263$965-23.6%
Calvin Z Johnson Land, LLC$2,527$955-62.2%
David J. Knapp$1,940$949-51.1%
Brian S. Bieber$707$94333.4%
David D. Harris$1,076$938-12.8%
L-C Anvik, Inc.$2,066$933-54.8%
Thomas Satra$1,962$928-52.7%
Dan Kittleson$3,297$924-72%
Sigurd Rudie JR$12,972$912-93%
Ridgelawn Farms$546$90966.5%
W & C Cundiff Farm, Inc.$1,671$899-46.2%
Wade George$0$885--
David Steinbeisser$1,011$867-14.2%
Joseph Topp$1,343$866-35.5%
John L. Hutter Sr.$1,952$855-56.2%
Robert Buxbaum$1,089$845-22.4%
Jacklyn Young$2,343$835-64.4%
Joseph M. Weber$949$795-16.2%
Bill B. Zimmerman$496$78959.1%
Toby Miller$970$781-19.5%
Timothy L Cayko$0$771--
Sierra J. Osborne$2,117$768-63.7%
Paul Tjelde$563$74933%
Paul A. Eldridge$1,523$746-51%
A & H Land and Cattle, LLC$0$745--
Rebecca S. Daniels$1,678$736-56.1%
Dan C. Price$796$733-7.9%
Gerhard Reichenbach$964$717-25.6%
Ray Kordonowy Jr.$0$694--
Jewell A. Roberts$563$68521.7%
Walter Reichenbach$826$670-18.9%
Boyd A. Hardy$597$6336%
Deborah Reichman$5,258$622-88.2%
Charles H. Lowman$450$60033.3%
Larry Dore$0$590--
Carl Dynneson$2,783$588-78.9%
David J. Andersen$628$586-6.7%
James Arly Bieber$286$577101.7%
Delphie Alice Tiesen$1,498$550-63.3%
Harlow-Harlow H & Annabelle Bieber Revoc H Bieber$0$527--
Raymond L. Bell$387$51633.3%
Billie Jo Mullin$206$502143.7%
Robert M. Dean$206$502143.7%
Wade Whiteman$2,168$466-78.5%
Bryan Gartner$457$451-1.3%
Clifford L. Dahl$860$446-48.1%
Merlyn Larson$793$434-45.3%
Bing Poff$9,025$431-95.2%
Joan E. Eldridge$391$4279.2%
Julie Hill$705$359-49.1%
Douglas Kittleson$371$349-5.9%
Jane M. Strasheim$634$343-45.9%
Jeffrey Reidle$195$33571.8%
Victor Gustafson$633$334-47.2%
Clinton Filler$627$304-51.5%
Sidney Red-E-Mix, Inc.$627$303-51.7%
Joe M. McGinnis$298$2980%
Duane A. Anderson$602$295-51%
Arlene Karst$379$274-27.7%
Jeff Andersen$308$269-12.7%
Patricia P Tjelde$189$25233.3%
Rebecca Garza$246$176-28.5%
Everett Williams, Inc.$367$175-52.3%
Education Fisher Enterprises, LLC$6,075$174-97.1%
Degn Land & Development Company$0$168--
Matthew L. Shannon$363$167-54%
Cynthia Vitt$312$157-49.7%
Monica Baisch$312$157-49.7%
Patricia Rau$312$157-49.7%
Doug Watts$326$156-52.1%
Donald L. Netzer$354$154-56.5%
Katharine F. Averett$300$149-50.3%
Everett Williams$18,961$147-99.2%
Bonnie C. Berry$287$140-51.2%
Jerry Jay Satra$7,669$138-98.2%
Propp Farms, Inc.$0$138--
Zimmerman, Inc.$3,271$132-96%
Brian Ler$239$121-49.4%
Mario Stellios Thorsen$0$119--
Ronald W. Buxbaum$94$11421.3%
James Watts$0$113--
Kendra Whitmus$308$100-67.5%
Greg Anderson$185$90-51.4%
Lynn B. Peterson$246$82-66.7%
Larry Larson$106$73-31.1%
Kathleen a Iversen Trust$0$54--
Marvellee J Fink$64$50-21.9%
William M. Iversen$32$4231.3%
Lori L. Madison$84$41-51.2%
John Sweley$54$29-46.3%
Vickie R Borg Living Trust$17$2652.9%
Tammi Eldridge Warren$0$13--
Annette L. Thiel$16$2-87.5%
Christina Ann Vanhorn$1,550$0-100%
Guy R. Pontoriero$6,382$0-100%
James Watts$231$0-100%
Janice Norby$457$0-100%
Jeffrey J. Sundheim$27,143$0-100%
Klose Farms, Inc.$41,664$0-100%
Mario S. Thorsen$243$0-100%
Robert E. Sundheim$5,773$0-100%
Stockman Bank of Montana$34,015$0-100%
Ardis C. Tescher$3,230$0-100%
Arline - the Restated Pust Family$5,603$0-100%
Backes Family IRR Trust$546$0-100%
Brian Holst$149$0-100%
Chadlee Denowh$157,694$0-100%
Daniels Family Limited Partnershi$27,302$0-100%
Daw, LLC$5,749$0-100%
Deborah L. Milne$16,894$0-100%
Dennis Wick$6,533$0-100%
Douglas A. Anderson$545$0-100%
Edward Wallace Hall Rev Trust$43,119$0-100%
Farm Service Agency/Commodity CRE$59,387$0-100%
FSA- Attn: Farm Loan Program$13,169$0-100%
Gene Asbeck$19$0-100%
Genhard Kjos$3,460$0-100%
Gregory E. Cavanaugh$4,508$0-100%
J Harry Johnson Limited Partnersh$43,893$0-100%
Jimmy Mullin$4,904$0-100%
Judy Wyman$128$0-100%
Loretta J. Dowse$617$0-100%
Louise Jambor$236$0-100%
Michael I. Myers$103$0-100%
Northwest Farm Credit Services, PC$179,665$0-100%
Pust Family Trust Part B$673$0-100%
Pust Family Trust Survivor's a$673$0-100%
RC Feedlot$1,862$0-100%
Renee J. Torgerson$454$0-100%
Richard B. Neuleib$119$0-100%
Richland Federal Credit Union$74,890$0-100%
Rocky Norby$1,571$0-100%
Rodney F. Prewitt$149,002$0-100%
Roger Berry$224$0-100%
Roy Zadow$1,009$0-100%
Stockman Bank of Montana$11,789$0-100%
Terry Anvik$39,935$0-100%
The Bud Bouchard Rev Trust - Urge$25,956$0-100%
The Kathleen a Iversen Trust$85$0-100%
Wade J. van Every$2,177$0-100%
Warren Fisher - Warren & Ann Fish$764$0-100%
Willmer A. Lorenz$855$0-100%
Total subsidies$13,167,127$8,200,905-37.7%



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